The Trustee Series is a year-long program offering 11 dynamic webinars tailor-made for both trustees and heads.
These salient Zoom webinars feature governance topics aimed at enhancing the health and efficacy of your board. Two roundtable sessions are included to support both incoming and current board chairs. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your board's performance and impact!
3–4 p.m. CT / 4–5 p.m. ET on the following Thursdays:
2024 | 2025 |
August 8* |
January 23 |
September 26 | February 20 |
October 24 | March 13 |
November 21 | April 17 |
December 12** | May 8** |
May 22 |
*2:30–4 p.m. CT / 3:30–5 p.m. ET
**Roundtable for incoming & current board chairs only and will not be recorded.
For trustees of independent schools & heads of school
Please email