Lead Learner Community

The ISACS community of Lead Learners is a new opportunity for teachers to grow, share, and drive excellence across ISACS member schools.

Lead Learner Header

An open forum, the network of Lead Learners connects designated Lead Learners across ISACS schools, inspiring and energizing, collectively sharing ideas, disseminating knowledge, growing skills and, together, lifting each of our schools to a higher level.  Each ISACS school nominates one or more committed and motivated teacher volunteers to represent their school in this forum. 

The Four Pillars of Lead Learners


Topics and direction of discussion within the forum are totally driven by Lead Learners.  We’ll virtually meet throughout the school year, and gather in-person at the Annual Conference with ISACS moderators, to discuss topics of importance to the group.

Why become a Lead Learner?
Within many of our classrooms, departments, schools, and communities there is often limited opportunity for cross-sharing of ideas, problem solving, novel (or revolutionary!) program development, or innovative teaching approaches or tools. 

Sound Interesting?

Lead Learner Info Sheet


2023-24 Lead Learner Gatherings   

  • Join your Lead Learners at the 2023 Annual Conference, November 2-3 in Columbus, OH.
    • During online registration, make sure to select F-90 – Idea Exchange for Lead Learners – a time dedicated to talk with other lead learners.
    • You are also invited to attend a reception on Thursday at the Convention Center, 4:30 – 5:30 pm. Please email programinfo@isacs.org to RSVP.
  • Save the Date for a one-day workshop in Chicago on April 12 with Lori Cohen. Pre-registration is required. More details are forthcoming.

If you have been identified as a Lead Learner and need additional information about upcoming events for Lead Learners email programinfo@isacs.org.